This is the page where the club will post latest GOS and Pig news. You can send any GOS or pig related news to
Dear Members
First of all thanks to everyone who has renewed so far and everyone else please do get renewed asap as this helps with our admin tasks and updating our records.
Although as ever the turnout for the AGM was low we had an agreeable meeting at Birchfield hosted by the Whitley family for which thank them for their hospitality. The minutes and report of the AGM will be sent by separate email.
We are looking to have a new leaflet designed so we are looking for a new cover photograph so please send them in to, there will be a GOS related prize for the one used.
The producers map on the website is noticeably underused by members despite the time effort and expense the Club went to in having it made; so the committee has taken the decision to include all BPA registered breeders on it who currently have Club membership (102 at last count) unless you tell us you do not want to be on it, this will obviously take some time for us to do and will not be overnight, it will include your name contact details and postal town. It is not something we are undertaking lightly and we think it will help new entrants wanting to locate stock and also help the number of emails we receive from people looking for stock which can be time consuming to reply to. You can upload your own details to the website to get your herd on the map see when people are looking for GOS there first port of call is usually the website. If you have difficulty let us know otherwise we will upload them for you.
There seems to be a growing demand for weaners at the moment given the number of post on social media looking for them, though its disheartening to see so many cross bred and non pedigree pigs offered in reply, its important we get the message out there about the benefits of buying pedigree weaners for pork and to this end we really would like to encourage the uptake of the TSG accreditation which has been simplified to help you make greater use of it. Please contact the Secretary for more info. We hope to put a more detailed explanation on the website which we are having a QR code made for so you can use it on your literature and advertising to direct prospective keepers to our website. Why not get your TSG application at £15 its a fiver a year to have the extra kudos of being TSG certified, check out or email the Club for the forms and guidance. Its really straightforward to do.
We would also like your reels for our Instagram account, please contact Lolly Bell-Tye if you have any you think we might be able to use. Her contact details are on the website. The website will soon be undergoing a refurbishment to freshen it up and renew some of the older pages. Again this is a huge undertaking and we ask for your patience, we are all volunteers running the Club alongside our day to day lives.
We must send our best wishes to Judith Sims who is poorly in hospital, her remaining three sows are now residing with Oliver LIghtfoot at her personal request bringing to an end the over 50yrs of the Winterwood herd. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as Dave Allen used to say to whichever God you pray to.
As ever if you have any suggestions or ideas for advancing the work the Club does we would love to hear from you. The GOSPBC committee meets on a regular basis if you feel you can bring some skills/help/ideas or you have a subject you would like them to discuss please contact Club Secretary Mandy Garbutt.for more information.
If you haven’t already get your VAN (Vet Attestation notice) done, its a fact its going to be needed when you go to most markets or abattoirs. Speak to your vet about this.
We need more GOS pigs out in the show ring why not have a go at a small local show near you. The 2025 show calendar (beginning 2025) and a special digital show issue of Spot Press are on the showing page. Its a great way to make piggy friends and promote your herd.
The new application/renewal system is in now in place which should mean a less costly membership for most members. . Remember that at some point before October 31st 2024 you will need to cancel all old standing orders and update them to £15. If you already pay £15 you don’t need to do anything bit please check as several of you now have two or three standing orders in place because you start a new one when we change prices but don’t cancel the old ones so please give some attention to this matter. We don’t want to take more money off you than is necessary especially in these cost of living crisis times. A standing order mandate can be downloaded from the members area to take to your bank . Or you can also use it to set up a standing order on your online banking account website or app using the details from the form. At the same time don’t forget to cancel the old ones! Once its all set up you needn’t worry about renewal again and it means we won’t spend time chasing you to renew. . Every little helps!
Don’t forget that if you would like one of our new banners or need any Club leaflets for any events you are doing this summer please contact the secretary for them.
Although we know we are preaching to the converted! Can we please remind you not to take any short cuts in your feeding regimes. We know the cost of feed has escalated and there seems no end to it but please do not use this as an excuse to feed illegal food products to your pigs. Lest we forget FMD.
Don’t forget the placing of adverts in ‘Marketplace’ is available to ALL pedigree GOS breeders and keepers or anyone looking for GOS pigs. If you have any suggestions for any other changes you would like to see please let us know
Lately we are seeing more and more pigs including GOS being put up for sale some due to genuine change in circumstances but the majority due to spiralling feed and fuel costs so just a word of warning, please please check the provenance of any of these pigs, ascertain it is definitely pedigree by asking for its pedigree registration number beginning with GS. A lot of sellers will try to convince you ‘pure bred’ is the same its not and in the office we end up with unsuspecting buyers asking us to register these pigs so buyer beware. Do your homework. Check out pedigrees at
It’s worth making sure you have in place contingency plans should you or your family become ill and unable to tend to your animals. Please do keep an eye or ear out for those around you who may be struggling with their pigs and keep in touch with each other by phone or email. You don’t need to be a Facebook member to look at the Club’s Facebook page which is updated almost daily find it here.
Make sure we have an up to date e-mail address for you as this is the most speedy and cost effective way of letting you know what’s happening in the GOS world.
This leaflet about the Club can be downloaded to help promote the Club along with Breeder pack information which you can find in the Members Area. You can also have hard copies sent to you by the Secretary so if you would like some to give to customers or take to shows please get in touch. A new leaflet will be available in 2025
GOSPBC breed leaflet