Welcome to the Forums.

Buy, Sell or hire GOS pigs and pig related equipment & items !

  1.  Only pedigree GOS pigs may be advertised. Pigs should be the produce of registered, pedigree Gloucestershire Old Spots parents and be birth notified and permanently ear-marked as a minimum. Advertisements for animals that do not meet these standards may be summarily removed.
  2. Please be aware that much of this forum is open to view by anyone, anywhere and keep your postings relevant and your language moderate.
  3. You will need to include contact details & location (county will suffice) to enable interested parties to contact you. Any adverts without contact details will be deleted.
  4. If you cannot find what you are looking for in advertisements already posted please email your enquiry to mail@gospbc.co.uk and the Club will put you in touch with members in your area

Thank you and enjoy your participation!
