Although we have seen the importance of the boar in our pig herd as supplying the ‘femaleness’ of his daughters. It is equally needful to remember that to produce the highest class of animal the desirable qualities and points of the sow should be as conspicuous as those of the boar. The qualities of the boar must find their fitting counterpart in the maternal appearance of the sow and the standard of excellence in the sow should for the most part be as part identical to that of the boar, the only difference being she should show a more roomy aspect and strong back which will stand her in good stead during the later period of gestation, when the weight of a large litter of piglets imposes upon her considerable strain.
Below are the 2023 breed survey figures.
You can read here Female GOS an article on the female GOS including choosing your gilt, when to send her to the boar and looking after her well being.