All subscriptions are valid until 31st October 2019. You will need to renew your membership after that date. And remember you have only 30 days to renew. Unlike Brexit there are no extensions!

Its easy, there are lots of ways to pay but setting up a standing order or by internet banking is the preferred method.

GOSPBC 2019 Join-Renew form

If you renew by standing order you don’t need to do anything. Please check on your bank statement that the correct amount has been paid for your membership category (full details on website) and make any necessary changes. If you would like a standing order form download the form above its on the second page.

Fill in the form and choose your method of payment then send to us by email or post. You can now renew or join on this site. See

You can pay us by internet banking  using sort code 40-17-25 Ac 81164406  please reference your payment with the name in which your membership is held. Eg GOS Subs Jones You can also set up a standing order on your internet bank site.

If you pay by cheque you can send one to GOS Treasurer c/o Mrs J Smith, 19 Heal Close, Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset TA8 1JG (please mark your envelope ‘renewal’ and make your cheque to GOSPBC)

You can pay by paypal by using account please reference your payment Subs and your name

If you are changing your member category or contact details (see website) please inform the club by email or post to avoid any confusion and so we can keep our records up to date and keep you informed about the club and its activities. If you have any queries please contact Club Membership Secretary Mike Smith.

Whichever method you use please don’t delay.Remember If your membership remains unpaid by the 30th November 2017 it will be considered lapsed and you will be removed from the membership list in due course and will not be entitled to any further benefits from the club.

Thank you for your prompt attention.