The GOSPBC has recently attended a number of meetings across the country to help the government make a plan for the next twenty five years of food & farming in the UK. If you have any thoughts on this please contact Ian Chick email

This is what they have said

“Dear All,

We have now held a number of successful stakeholder engagement events which gave us a chance to hear from you about the 25 Year Food and Farming Plan. It was great to see so many people from across the food and farming sector come together in London, Bristol, Manchester and Peterborough to discuss how we can create a compelling vision and make it a reality. Thank you for giving up your time to contribute to that conversation.

 Attached is a compliation of the views and ideas shared at these events. We are now working to ensure that the plan reflects what you have told us, and will continue to work with industry to create a jointly–led vision and set of actions.

FFP25 – Summary of Stakeholder Events

Thank you once again for sharing your insights and experience with us.

The FF25 Team, Defra