- This years GOS Champion of Champions, crowned at the Royal Three Counties Show. John and Helen Lightfoots’ gilt with Judge Guy Kiddy.
- Picture of her first litter from Holly Smith
- Picture of her first litter from Holly Smith
- GOS on parade at the Great Yorkshire Show 2014
- Brian & son Niall Kelly from NI with Forthill Ellen – the supreme GOS Champion
- Marlene Renshaw with Dockenbush Star 59 – the January gilt winner
- Photographs of our esteemed president Dave Overton receiving a gift from the Club for his contribution to the breed at the Great Yorkshire Show
- Photographs of our esteemed president Dave Overton receiving a gift from the Club for his contribution to the breed at the Great Yorkshire Show
- When the weathers hot, you just gotta wallow.
- litter at Hidden Nest Farm
- Storm and Rose having a snooze in between showing at the Royal Norfolk Show
- Oink !
- GOS in America – sow and litter in Georgia
- Little Orchard’s photo – Running out of room at the bar!
- Le Logis – rare breed pigs in France’s photo. Making sure “Peggy” one of our Gloucestershire Old Spots is getting the best pre natal care – wallow in the shade under a fig tree – she is due to farrow in 10 days time.
- 2014 Southern Champion – Mike Smith and Cosscoombe Princess 4
- Berkshire 2014 Breed Champion – Mike Smith and Cosscoombe Primrose 2