GOSPBC Gene Pool Distribution Fund (GPDF)

The BPA’s Conservation Strategy for 2021 highlighted the need to spread the gene pool of our pigs around the United Kingdom. Almost half of GOS sow lines are represented across the regions now and with 80% of all our sow lines in every region of England we have a strong base on which to build, however this does not mean we can be complacent and it was noted after the last survey that we have lines which need help. With this in mind the GOSPBC has decided to fund a scheme using the generous donations from Mr Mrs Glenn Hill and Mr Mrs H Laird-Brown to encourage and assist the geographical spread of bloodlines.

Why is the GOSPBC doing this?

As a benefit to Club members we hope this incentive will support existing breeders to improve the genetic diversity of their herds and to boost the spread of our bloodlines across the UK to protect them in the event of a disease outbreak in any region. Please note this is to help with fuel costs for the party doing the delivering/collecting of stock. Only the travelling party may make a claim.

How to qualify

  • Any GOS breeder that is willing to travel either (in one direction); over three hours or 150 miles in the UK (Postcode to postcode verified by Google Maps) to deliver or collect stock. Only the travelling party can claim.
  • Introduce a sow/boar bloodline that is considered rare in their area (i.e less than 10 on last survey)
  • Applicant MUST be a paid up member of the GOSPBC and BPA and give HDL for purposes of verifying breeder status
  • Pigs being purchased must be birth notified/registered and must adhere to breed standard
  • Provide pedigree details of pig(s) to be purchased/exchanged

How much is the payment & when will it be awarded

The payment will be GBP100.00 per completed journey and will be paid by electronic bank transfer. Evidence will need to be provided as proof of transaction. Applicants will need to:

  • Provide copy of E-AML2 document
  • Provide photos (including official identification i.e tag/tattoo) of the delivered/collected stock
  • Provide confirmation of transfer of ownership of purchased stock
  • Bank details for payment

How to Apply

Please email mail@gospb.co.uk for an application form and particulars of scheme.

An application must be made prior to embarking on any journey to qualify for this payment. It cannot be applied retrospectively. 

Please note that application does not guarantee qualification for the payment, applications are reviewed on an individual basis and assessed using data from the BPA Breed Survey by the GOSPBC Committee. We will endeavour to turn round applications within 48 hours. 

Should you have any queries or require further information please contact the Club.

GOSPBC 1st November 2021