Gransden nr St Neots in Cambridgeshire is having pig classes for the first time and has asked for our support. Saturday 26th September 2015

The schedule including entry form is now available at Alternatively contact via  email or June Jukes 45 High St Abbotsley St Neots Cambs PE19 6UJ Tel 01767 677218

The classes are as follows:


All pigs eligible for entry must be pedigree & entered in the relevant herdbook of the British Pig Association or British lop Pig Society .

Judge: Mr J Millard of Caxton                  Entry Fee: £6.00  

Prizes: 1st £18, 2nd £9, 3rd £7, rosettes to 4th place

Class 53      Sow born before 1st July 2014

Class 54      Gilt born on or after 1st July 2014

Class 55      Gilt born on or after 1st September 2014

Class 56      Gilt born on or after 1st January 2015

Class 57      Supreme Champion Pig. The Champion to receive the RBST East of England Support Group cup & the reserve The RBST Shield