The Great Yorkshire Show took place 12th – 15th July. A long hot week.

Compared to other years there was a poor turnout of GOS pigs with only 10 in total at the show from 4 breeders.

Breed Classes judged on Tuesday 11th Judge Nick Kiddy with apprentice judge Josh Bell-Tye

Breed Champion: Alfie Holding’s Sow Daisy aka Fowgill Dolly 194 Reserve Tyke aka Trewint Patrick 9 from the Dallaway family

Northern Championship judged by Ann Uglow

Champion: Trewint Patrick 9 from the Dallaway family Reserve: Fowgill Dolly 385 from Mandy Garbutt

Our patron HRH Princess Royal attended the GYS on Tuesday afternoon and a number of GOS were paraded before her and she had a chat with Alfie Holding about his sow.

GYS Supreme Champion was a Hampshire boar from Jodie Fairclough & Stuart Roberts – Raisinhall First Turn 2 Judged by W A Uglow

Pig Of The Year 2022 judged by Brian Card was Duroc gilt from Hayley Lovless Hazeway Havnbjerg 3

With thanks to BPA (Oliver Giles), Charlotte Holding, Mark Dallaway for photos.