South Suffolk Mrs Teresa Cook, Winterwood Princess 213
Notts County Mr Jason Knaggs, Littleowls Princess Joan 296
Staffordshire Mr Jason Knaggs, Littleowls Princess Freda 306
Suffolk County Mrs Teresa Cook, Millfields Rufus 60
Cheshire County Miss Sarah Whitley, Birchfield Rufus 313
Lincolnshire Mr Jason Knaggs, Littleowls Princess Freda 316
Royal Norfolk Mrs Teresa Cook, Winterwood Princess 213 (already qualified)
Great Yorkshire Mrs Teresa Cook, Winterwood Princess 213 (already qualified)
Mr Jason Knaggs qualified with Littleowls Sambo 303
2013 Northern Champion and winner of the Myrtle Styles Memorial Cup
Mrs Teresa Cook, Winterwood Princess 213
The runner-up was Mr Jason Knaggs with Littleowls Sambo 303.