The Northern Championships is a regional competition run by the GOSPBC bringing together Breed Champions from shows in the north and east of the country into the ring for the finals at The Great Yorkshire Show at Harrogate. This year saw a strong turnout with the judge, Melany Kiddy, given a hard job with so many quality pigs. Details of the qualifying shows and the pigs that qualified can be found on our Club Competitions page.

After due consideration, Melany picked the Great Yorkshire Show Breed Champion (who had qualified at two earlier shows), Winterwood Princess 213rd shown by Teresa Cook from Suffolk and bred by Judith Sims from Somerset, to be awarded the Myrtle Styles Memorial Trophy as well as the special sash and rosette presented by the Club. The runner-up was Jason Knaggs from Lincolnshire with his home-bred Littleowls Sambo 303.

Teresa Cook with Winterwood Princess 213 having won the prestigious Myrtle Styles Cup

Teresa Cook with Winterwood Princess 213 having won the prestigious Myrtle Styles Cup

The Northern Championships were keenly competed for in this Centenary year with some very keen showmen bringing many quality GOS to the shop windows of the farming world.