The recent Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for a strong communications network. One of the ongoing aims of the Club is to keep our members informed which we hope we have done through the series of email catch ups and keeping Spot Press issues on target. The website continues to be well visited and several Facebook pages dedicated to the breed are very active.  We will be continuing the catch up emails on a monthly basis between Spot Press issues.

Please let us know if there is anything more the Club could be doing to help members, we can only act on your suggestions for future development if you let us know about them. You can contact your committee member of choice to discuss your ideas or email

People tend to think that Clubs are only for dedicated breeders but we want to encourage all GOS keepers to feel they can join the Club and be as important in protecting and promoting the GOS pigs as the breeders themselves. Please do what you can to encourage anyone with an interest in the breed (especially when you are selling breeding stock and/or weaners) to join the Club which they can do by visiting the website. It would be useful if you could mention the Club in any of your endeavours selling meat, pigs or showing/exhibiting. The Club can only flourish with a thriving active membership.