Despite a thunderstorm on the Friday Morning, the 3 days at the SOE were as enjoyable as usual, with John Pedder and your president Dave Overton ensuring that the SOE show is one of the events to attend.

Breed judging was on the Thursday with interbreed judging on the Friday.

The SOE show also boasts “piggy pranks” – the obstacle course for pigs and handlers – very popular with the crowds !

This years SOE president is Penelope Keith – Margo from the Good Life amongst many other memorable roles.


Penelope Keith with Breed Champion handler Anne Nicholls


Taking a well deserved rest after a hard days showing…


Alfie Dallaway explains pig keeping to Penelope Keith


The GOS club display was very polular


Alfie Dallaway accepts a piggy tie for best sow and litter display


A youngster enjoys the GOS display


Teressa Cook tries to keep her GOS still for ten seconds during piggy pranks


A dapper Maria Naylor showing her GOS to the judge

GOS Breed Champion Mrs. A. Nicholls Exfold Josephine 199
Reserve Mrs. A. Nicholls Exfold Gerald
GOS Champion Male Mrs. A. Nicholls Exfold Gerald
Reserve Brook House Farms Framfield Gerald
GOS Champion Female Mrs. A. Nicholls Exfold Josephine 199
Reserve Mrs. T. Cook Millfields Princess 58
Boar born after 1st July 2012 1st Brook House Farms Framfield Gerald
2nd Mrs. T. Cook Millfields Rufus 60
Boar born after 1st January 2013 1st Mrs. A Nicholls Exfold Gerald
2nd Mrs. T. Cook Millfields Patrick 69
Gilt born after 1st July 2012 1st Mrs. T. Cook Millfields Princess 58
2nd Mrs. T. Cook Millfields Princess 64
Gilt born after 1st January 2013 1st Mrs. A. Nicholls Exfold Josephine
2nd Mrs. T. Cook Millfields Princess 75
3rd Mrs. A. Nicholls Exfold Josephine
4th M&J Dallaway
Breeding Sow 1st Mrs. A. Nicholls Exfold Josephine 199
2nd Mrs. T. Cook Winterwood Princess 213
3rd Brook House Farm Pollardsmoor Primrose 61
4th M&J Dallaway