A bumper issue of Spring/Summer Spot Press should be hitting your doormats over the next few days. It has been sent in the post to ALL paid up members. If by the end of the week you have not received a copy and think you should have please let the Club know. mail@gospbc.co.uk

The next Spot Press will be in mid Autumn but it can only continue  if you send me some photographs, stories and/or articles to go in it. I would like showing/event photographs involving GOS pigs/keepers and a description of who what and where. Stories about your pig keeping activities, litters, pigs past and present please.

You can send them to spotpress2014@hotmail.com or mail@gospbc.co.uk or fowgillfarm@hotmail.co.uk

Written pieces preferably in Word Doc format and photos in jpg or jpeg format.

If want to chat about something for inclusion in Spot Press my contact numbers are on the members page.

You can only have a Spot Press if i have something to put in it so please contribute.

Mandy Garbutt. 13/08/18
