As a result of the extraordinary committee meeting held at Stoneleigh Park on Sunday 29th June 2014 the committee has accepted Richard Lutwyche’s resignation as secretary of the Gloucestershire Old Spots Pig Breeders’ Club.

We are incredibly grateful for his hard work and dedication to the club over the past twenty four years in his roles as both secretary and treasurer without which the breed would not be in the strong position it is today. Most recently Richard was a major force in obtaining the TSG accreditation for the breed; he was instrumental in bringing about the patronage of HRH Princess Anne and played a large part in the success of the centenary celebrations in 2013. We hope that Richard will remain as an active member of the committee and will continue to play an important role within the club.

The committee are very sorry if they have offended Richard, it was never the intention to disrespect, cause offence or ask for his resignation. However due to the reduced membership and therefore income, we were proposing a reduction in remuneration, jobs and responsibilities. The committee wishes to assure the GOSPBC membership of its continued attention at all times.

In the interim please direct any enquiries you may have to:

General enquiries

Acting Secretary  Marlene Renshaw tel:01507533209 or

Membership enquiries/Treasurer

Helen Lightfoot Tel: 01452700510 or

Merchandise enquiries

Oliver Whiteley Tel: 01423324469 or

Show, Prize & Rosette enquiries

Judith Sims Tel: 01275858699 or

Pedigree & Breeding enquiries

Andrew Robinson Tel: 01283815635 or

Livestock Husbandry

Guy Kiddy Tel: 01767650884 or

Spot Press

Mandy Garbutt Tel: 01609882773 or


Web master Robin Wilson


Alison Littlehales Tel: 01588650570 or



The next edition of Spot Press will be end of July 2014.