Members Present:
Andrew Robinson, Judith Sims, Richard Lutwyche, Helen Lightfoot, Marlene Renshaw, Alison Littlehales, Mandy Garbutt, Sarah Whitley, Guy Kiddy, and Oliver Whiteley.
Apologies were received from Dave Overton, Vikki Mills, John Lightfoot and Jonathan Crump.
The meeting was opened by the chairman who after thanking Mandy for arranging the venue at short notice and Marlene for agreeing to take the minutes made the following statement on behalf of the committee to Richard :
”Richard, I wish to thank you for all the hard work you have put into the Club, we are sorry if we have offended you but it was not our intention to disrespect, cause offence or ask you to resign.
Because of the much reduced membership and therefore income, we were just proposing you take a reduction in your remuneration, jobs and responsibilities. However; as a Committee we feel for the good of the Breed and the Club, you do have to take a reduction in your remuneration and delegate some of your roles.”
Not withstanding that the members on e-mail have received a mail shot, (approx 10% had not been contacted) the question was raised as to whether an official resignation had been received from Richard. Although nothing in writing has been received, Richard confirmed that he had resigned as secretary of the GOSPBC and this resignation was accepted by the committee.
Back to basics, the treasurer asked how the honorarium came about and if it is now defunct. As there was now no secretary in position, it was. It may be reinstated at a future date if deemed necessary.
Further discussion led to an agreement to draw a line under the past, make a new start and find a way forward. As of now each role is specific and responsibility will be taken on by various members.
Membership: It was agreed that the membership list be transferred initially to Oliver and Mandy who have the relevant computer programmes and then transferred to Helen, who, as treasurer will collate current or lapsed names and then be responsible for the collection of subscriptions. Subsequently all committee members will receive a list and; unless the member has ticked the confidentiality box, hopefully chase up any outstanding memberships in their areas.
If new software is needed by the treasurer the club will fund this.
Spot Press: It was reiterated that the undertaking to members of 4 copies per year must be produced, 60 copies are e-mailed out, the rest are posted in hard copy, the cost last year of producing these was £2,245.
Website: Mandy has spoken to Robin Wilson, the webmaster and he is happy to carry on with Mandy acting as moderator, but passing on enquiries to the relevant committee member. The site was confirmed as belonging to the club with Robin managing it voluntarily. There will be a new forum member created i.e. ‘the committee’ with the name GOSPBC committee to issue any information to members as a committee. It was stressed that the site needs to be kept updated, any information and pictures can be forwarded to Robin who will post them..
Each of the committee members is to be asked to do a short biography to go on the website & in the next edition of Spot Press to give members a better insight into their committee.
The date that memberships come for renewal was discussed and a proposal will be put forward at the next AGM to move this to January 1st, starting in 2016 with the accounts being adjusted accordingly.
Spot Press: Mandy will take on the collating and production of the magazine, hopefully with guidance from Richard. All committee members to be more proactive with articles, information ect. Specific dates for the publication were decided as February (prior to the showing season) May, September (results) and November / December, ( Christmas and wall planner) If help is needed with software, training ect this is to be funded by the club, it was agreed that the Spot press is the envy of all the other breed clubs so quality must be maintained. Mandy has undertaken to produce the next edition after the Yorkshire show, around 20 pages with articles featuring articles on Dave Overton and the Exfold herd and Judith’s success with the interbreed champion at The Royal Three Counties. It was also agreed that the front page should major on the committee, their profiles and specific roles.
The PR role of fielding general enquiries from press, phone or e-mail, all agreed that this is a position that the committee would like Richard to continue with, he was urged to please consider this. In the meantime it was agreed that the treasurers name and e-mail be added to the breed leaflets.
Merchandise: Very little stock is held, all the embroidered clothing is to order, Oliver is happy to take on this role. The stock of tattooing equipment was purchased by Richard’s company and is resold to the club on demand, it was agreed to continue with this.
Pay Pal: As most of the merchandise is paid for this way (£2,400) and some of the subscriptions and the treasurer felt that most people found this a very convenient method it was agreed to continue with this method of payment, However any moneys are to be transferred out each month into the club account as no interest is payable on the Pay Pal account.
Minutes secretary: Marlene agreed to undertake this role
Show and Sale: The auctioneers organise most things and the committee appoint the judge.
It was recognised that some of the matters and certain points will need to be ratified at the next AGM
An interim statement will be posted on the forum and as soon as the membership list is available it will be circulated via e-mail or Royal Mail., the bones of which are as follows.
The committee of the GOSPBC met on the 29th of June where Richard Lutwyche confirmed that he has resigned as secretary of the club and this was accepted. He was thanked for his 24 years of service and dedication to the club and its members, particularly for the TSG accreditation, securing the patronage of the Princess Royal and the success of the centenary year. There was never any intention to cause any offence to Richard and is hoped that he will go on to take an active role in the club in the future.
As an interim measure the following committee members will take on the following roles:
Acting Secretary: Marlene Renshaw
Treasurer/Membership: Helen Lightfoot
Merchandise: Oliver Whiteley
Show enquiries: Judith Sims
Pedigree enquiries: Andrew Robinson
Livestock management/ TSG: Guy Kiddy
Spot Press: Mandy Garbutt
Website: Robin Wilson and Mandy Garbutt
Face book: Alison Littlehales
This concluded the ECM
The meeting closed at 1.10pm