Following the AGM the Club received the following notes:


Thank you very much go this update. I tried to send my apologies for the AGM but if they failed to get through I apologise. Mandy has worked hard for the Club for a long time and I appreciated her efforts over the past year for keeping in touch. The newsletter remains splendid in terms of presentation and content, Wishing the Club and the GS breed continuing success.   Best wishes Viki Mills Hon Member.


Please convey our appreciation to the club for all of the information and knowledge willingly shared among breeders. The GOSPBC website and The Spot Press have been invaluable resources to help us learn about the breed (as we mentioned in the meeting). It’s been amazing what we have learned by reading through and rereading what we don’t remember. Thank you for all of your work and effort it is amazing. What a delight to see the teamwork of the committee and membership. Two areas that we are working on are as mentioned in the meeting earlier are working towards spreading the genetics to the different regions and learning particular aspect of the different lines. (Our observations have been that the Princess Ann line is a larger line, The Star Antoinette seems to be much smaller in size. We’re trying to learn and educate others without the opportunity of shows as you have there in the UK.
Two exciting things are happening within the breed. There is definite interest in showing them, especially with the youth at County fairs and more are interested in utilizing AI as they have used it a great deal in other breeds of animals. It’s a wonderful time to participate in sharing the love these animals have while working hard on preservation and reducing the COI% here.
Our best,
Bill Theiss & Sharon Kay
Fawn Crossing Farms, Virginia USA