With the show season approaching, we at the Scottish Smallholder Festival would like to wish all breed societies and their members a rewarding and enjoyable time.
If you are sending out a newsletter or show listing to your breed society members, or updating your society wesbite with show information, I would be obliged if you would include the Scottish Smallholder Festival. which will take place at Lanark Agricultural Centre on Saturday 23rd September 2017.
Sadly, despite our best efforts, we have not been able to sustain showing classes at the Festival, due to lack of entries, but we are committed to giving pigs, particularly our rare and traditional breeds, a high profile at the event.
To that end, we are establishing a Pig Paradise – an area devoted to pigs and pig keeping – and we are aiming to have representatives of all the British rare and traditional breeds included.
To do that, we need the support of the breed societies and their members, so if you can offer any assistance, please contact me on enquiries@ssgf.uk
Thanks for your support for the Festival.
Kind regards,
Rosemary Champion