Not a great number of GOS forward herewith results with thanks to Judith Sims

511 A February boar went to £175 not quite making its reserve

513 A Nov. boar sold for £140

510 A February gilt sold for £110 509 A July Gilt sold for £480

508 A July gilt sold for £440

507 A Young Gilt no details sold for £70

506 3yo proven stock boar sold for £100.

On the plus side the GOSPBC has a new young handler Taya Whiting aged 8 daughter of club members Carl & Lucy Whiting of the Peacehaven herd and this is what she told Spot Press ” I was a bit nervous about showing the pig as it was my first time. The lady (Sharon from the Kilcot herd) helped me. I was very excited as we won first prize! I’m looking forward to doing it again!”

Thanks to Lucy Whiting for photographs more in Autumn Spot Press

Taya and her first rosette

Taya and her first rosette

Taya Whiting looks on as her pig is judged

Taya Whiting looks on as her pig is judged