News & Results from around the shows


Northern Championship 2016

The Northern Championship was held at Driffield Show on 20th July. In temperatures nudging 30 degrees judge Andrew Robinson declared Birchfield Bluebell 402 Champion from the Birchfield herd of the Whitley familyRead More…


2016 Champion Of Champions

Champion of Champions day was one of sunshine with one very sharp shower at lunchtime. So on a glorious afternoon Guy Kiddy stepped in to preside over proceedings after the original judge hadRead More…


Great Yorkshire Show 2016

STUNNING weather more than made up for the absence of a royal visitor as thousands of people lapped up sunshine on the first day of the 158th Great Yorkshire Show. GOS breedersRead More…


Lincolnshire Show 2016

The sun shone for the 2016 Lincolnshire Show held 22nd & 23rd June. Champion GOS was Jason Knagg’s Littleowls Dolly 595 wih Reserve going to Marlene Renshaws’s Tennyson Rufus. Marlene also gotRead More…


Royal Cheshire Show 2016

Scuba gear required was the call to Royal Cheshire Show but thankfully the storms cleared out giving the actual two show days dry and warm conditions. The Birchfield & Fowgill herds wereRead More…


Royal Three Counties Show 2016

A good turn out of GOS pigs and their keepers at Royal Three Counties 17th & 18th June 2016. Congratulations to Pebblesford Primrose 314 owned by Mike’s Pork and bred by MessrsRead More…


Royal Cornwall Show 2016

Although the weather cast was for unsettled weather the Royal Cornwall Show took place on the 9th-11th June in almost constant sunshine. Many congratulations to Mike Smith who completely swept the boardRead More…


South of England Show 2016

Champion Gloucestershire Old Spots Rother Dolly 324 with owner Clare Wilson from the Oaklands Pigs. The sun shone as thousands joined the region’s biggest celebration of British countryside and farming, with superbRead More…


Honley Show 2016

On Saturday 11th June 40 pigs of assorted breeds assembled on a foggy day on a sticky muddy field just outside Huddersfield. Pig Secretary John Wreakes had Tom Auty judging and MarleneRead More…


Suffolk Show 2016

More than 40,000 people flocked to the The Suffolk show on 1st & 2nd June at Trinity Park in Ipswich under dull skies and a tad muddy underfoot from earlier rain. Teresa CookRead More…