We have two audio files form Radio Gloucester which might interest Club members
The first is from Eric Freeman and the sceond a BBC tribute
Above Eric Freeman Memories
Above BBC Tribute
GOSPBC Gene Pool Distribution Fund (GPDF) The BPA’s Conservation Strategy has highlighted the need to spread the gene pool of our pigs around the United Kingdom. Almost half of GOS sow linesRead More…
All subscriptions are valid until 31st October 2021 You will need to renew your membership after that date. And remember you have only 30 days to renew. If you take Spot PressRead More…
That is the question. Maria and Andy Brenchley who some of you know from the show circuit and the Millfield herd might just have the answer for you. “We are MIC AnimalRead More…
We have two audio files form Radio Gloucester which might interest Club members
The first is from Eric Freeman and the sceond a BBC tribute
Above Eric Freeman Memories
Above BBC Tribute
Today we have received the sad news that our Founder Richard Lutwyche has passed away after a short illness. Richard organised the very first meeting of the Club in 1990 andRead More…
Following a vote by BPA GOS breeders to determine the name of one of our boar lines the name SAM was chosen and all boars born to that line will henceforth beRead More…
Following the AGM the Club received the following notes: Dear GOSPB Thank you very much go this update. I tried to send my apologies for the AGM but if they failed toRead More…
You may recall that in the last Spot Press we told you in the Committee Meeting News that we had discussed the possibilities of developing a ‘Buyers Welcome Pack’ Scheme to encourageRead More…
The GOSPBC Annual General Meeting 2021 was held on Sunday 11th April at 3pm by Zoom. After some initial technical difficulties the committee was joined by Diane Bell, Sally Lugg, Sarah Osborn-SmithRead More…
Spring 2021 Spot Press Spring 2021 Spot Press should be on your doormats or in your in-box. If haven’t received it let us know mail@gospbc.co.uk If you’re not a member, why notRead More…